函に購入時からあるスレ・汚れがはありますが、中の冊子の状態は綺麗です。Harmony Korine(ハーモニー・コリン)とMark Gomzales(マーク・ゴンザレス)が制作したZine 8冊とポスターの限定ボックスセットです。\r\rHarmony Korine - The Collected Fanzines (Box Set)\rDrag City\r\rHarmony Korine\rハーモニー・コリン\rMark Gomzales\rマーク・ゴンザレス\r\rBefore he got involved in this whole \"film\" thing, Harmony was a prolific zine artist. Though distributed in minor quantities (and sometimes given away to homeless people), word has travelled to Drag City HQ of their greatness. They're filled with funny/creepy musings, fake celebrity gossip and found art.\r\rThis box set recreates the zines in their original format inside a hard cardboard box with a poster.\r\rIncludes:\rMY FRIEND OR SHEEP BOY\rADULTHOOD\rADULTHOOD 2\rOH DEATH WHERE IS THY STING\rFOSTER HOMES AND GARDENS\rHUMOR\rPOCAHONTAS MONTHLY\rHUMER